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Zelda 3 Challenge - Graphics Requests!

A long time ago, I had a graphics contest which allowed people to submit new graphics for Zelda3C. Winners would get their names in the credits, along with the chance to play the game before anyone else, following beta testing. The contest failed, however, because it was too vague. I didn't post any specific requests; many people expressed interest but didn't know what I needed.

The contest has ended, with only one entry that made it into the game. Congratulations CALD, for the new mushroom design! The new mushroom can be seen among the 5th batch of screenshots.

Nowadays, I will post specific requests as I think of them. If there's a specific sprite, outdoor or indoor element you would like to edit, however, you can still email me with your idea(s).


1.) Contact me before you get started. Depending on what graphics you're changing, I do have guidelines and plans for appearances. You shouldn't waste your efforts on something that can't be used. Plus, many parts of the game will be graphically changed to "make" new things. What if the new vulture you drew to replace the old one can't be used because it's now a vampire bat? Always email me for specific information.

2.) All submitted graphics must be usable in the actual game! An intricate dungeon statue with a million colors may look incredible, but it just won't work in Zelda3C. The best method is to create new graphics while overwriting the old tiles. If I get scanned drawings or an out-of-format image, I might still use it as a guideline or inspiration

3.) Graphics can be lifted from any other SNES game (or even NES) and submitted with whatever changes are necessary. You can even start with other games' graphics, change them a lot, and then submit them. Do NOT take graphics from any other hack, period. Don't submit graphics that you might use for your own purposes later. Please don't take graphics from Zelda Classic or other current sources.

4.) If an entry is accepted for use in Zelda3C, it will either be used as-is, or changed to work better in the game. If the changes are considered major, the artist will be notified first. The colors may be changed without permission, depending on the game's available palettes.

5.) Valid entries include ROM patches, zipped bitmaps, or other types of images. Use common sense with file sizes. Nothing over 300 KB should appear in my inbox. Do NOT send me any ROMs! I will automatically delete any ROMs that are sent to me. I will not view them, nor save them to my computer.


(Previous overworld requests are filled. I can't request much for the overworld yet, since Zelda3C doesn't use the same structures as Zelda 3. For example, there are no areas resembling Hyrule Castle, East Palace, the Pyramid, Skull Forest, Ice Island, Misery Mire, etc. Instead, there are places like Epoch Tower, Calatia Castle, Ancient Ruins, the Lighthouse, entrances reminiscent of Zelda 1 and Zelda 2, and other original fortresses and strongholds.)

Zelda: The princess plays a larger role than just "damsel who must be rescued." She appears both as a little girl in Link's childhood and as an adult in present time. In at least her adult form, she will wear her old-school outfit from Zelda cartoons and comics.
Here is a picture of Zelda from the comics.
Here is the original tileset which contains Zelda,
although she does not follow you in the beginning of the game.

(Previous request for Queen Seline is filled. I could still use graphics for Gorons, Zora, and Deku Scrubs...)

There are other characters in the game, but I won't ask for help with their graphics because I don't want to reveal their roles or details. (I can draw Tingle on my own! Just kidding, just kidding! He's not in the game! LOL)

Dungeon elements: Most of the indoor graphics will likely be the same, but here are some things I'd like to change. Floor patterns, all the statues, windows, waterfall fountains, skeleton wall coverings (now, vines), story objects (Sanctuary north wall, Agahnim's alter, etc). I'll provide more information to anyone interested in changing these things.

I have more changes in mind, but I'm reluctant to list them because of spoilers and/or specific concepts I probably need to draw myself. More requests will appear as needed.

Questions? Ideas? Suggestions?
Write to me!

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